Friday, October 5, 2012

Thief 3: Deadly Shadows - First Time

I started playing Thief 3: Deadly Shadow yesterday. And by now I just finished the tutorial part of the game and other mission because of lack of time. But in this post I will just post my experience with the tutorial part of the game. And maybe I will post the other mission on the next post.

In the tutorial part of Thief, it’s more like a mini mission but in a tutorial way. And in this part you don't have to worry if you failed the objective, or if you caught by the guards because it just a tutorial. And you will just start at the same area where the new objective or training starts.

Now the start of the tutorial part, you will start with a first person view or mode but I change it to third person because for me it’s cooler if you see the character. The tutorial is easy; I just follow those foot print and some tutorial that pop up. Now when I broke in the inn more tutorials or training has given to me. By the way sorry for poor quality of the game screenshot because I can't set the game resolution, and quality to high because our computer is just a low end.

entering the inn
When I was in the inn there are tutorials where you will teach how to use a water arrow, and a noise maker arrow. And there is also a tutorial on how pick lock the doors, show the map, stay on the wall and black jack a character. By the way I got a tip for you. You can get the water arrow up to twenty-five pieces and carry it to the next mission. When you loot the water arrow on the box, just wait for a second or two and you can able to loot it again as it appear again in the box.
Now, the main objective here is to get the velvet bag. But after I go in the place where the owner of the velvet bag and the velvet bag itself should be, it’s gone. So I search for some clues and the clues brought me near the kitchen where the owner of the velvet bag is seating there together with another character. And after I stole the velvet bag without noticing by the patrolling guard its time for me to go finish the tutorial by the exiting, but a guard is there near at the exit that is why I used flash bomb to blinded him for a second and exit. And it’s all done.

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